Monday, April 6, 2009

My latest hobby or goal in life is to be a reuser. Maybe I will come up with a better term than that eventually, but right now I am too busy remaking and reusing things. I love it when the things I am into come into fashion as well. Second hand and thrift is chic right now and my creativity is working overtime making new and fun things from items I have had lying around the house.

Last week I took a turtleneck that was too large ( turtlenecks are way too choky for me as well), cut off the sleeves and neck, added lace to the sleeves and hem and now I have a very cute, fashionable t-shirt to wear to work. Next on my list is to make James some shorts now that the weather has changed for the warmer.

In the course of my wanting new clothes for free, I discovered something about myself- I can't follow a sewing pattern to save my life, but I am pretty good at altering and changing clothes free-hand into something else.

I have decided I am through buying things new. Except for food of course. My new motto is "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." (An old depression saying) I am not sure where thrift store shopping comes into that, but I got four adorable summery wear-to-work shirts today for 8 dollars total.

Money is an issue with us, but my desire to buy used and reuse as much as possible goes deeper than that. I just think that we as a society, myself included, are just too much into consumerism. It is wasteful and harmful to our environment. Ok, enough said about that- I won't get too preachy. Of course I realize that if everyone consumed much much less there would be far less for me to buy second hand....

Anyway, I am having a blast on my sewing machine (I never thought I would say that).

Of course it doesn't hurt that Jay tells me I am incredibly sexy when I am cheap and thrifty. What can I say? Flattery is free and I like it.


matthew emilee sarah and jack said...

i love your quote it is so you and someting that i could definatly live by .

Liz said...

I love making new things from old things. But I also love buying new things too!

Cyclingred said...

Your mother was very good at this. She used to by clothing at garage sales and take it apart and use the material to make clothes for you kids.

One time she found material at a garage sale for 25 cents. She bought it and made a dress. I called it her 2 bit dress. :)

Inger-Lis said...

I remember that- that is actually where I got the idea for a lot of the things I have done. But she is infinitely more talented at it than I am;)

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that's curious as to what the shirt looks like??? Please post a pic of the fabulous shirt you made from an over-sized turtle neck! ;-)

Inger-Lis said...

I may be able to remake clothing, but taking a picture with my camera, putting it onto the computer and uploading it is just too much work and frustration ;)

Anonymous said...

C'mon, really?! Bummer!!! I guess I'll just have to use my imagination...ugh! I hate doing that! I'm soooo much better with instant gratification. ;-)

Nancy said...

did you ever get to shop at Thrift on 33rd, the best resale shop around? You wouldda loved it.

The coolest thing about the shop, besides the brand-new condition clothing and cheap prices, is that it's run entirely by volunteers from the Assistance League.

Every cent you spend there goes to clothe poor school children, from underwear and sox to parkas. Little signs throughout the shop say things like, "Every $5 you spend buys a child new shoes." or "Every $50 you spend guarantees that 4 children will be warm this winter."

I've gotten all my best treasures there, so much silk and linen, rayon and soft cotton. I do not remember the last time i bought anything "new."

Yesterday I was disappointed, tho, finding nothing in my little shop. Sometimes there's just an overabundance of size 4!

Nancy V