Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What I am up to lately

Apparently the pictures I was going to upload are still on the camera, and as the camera is who knows where, you will have to make do with my thoughts instead. I started my new job as a T-Mobile employee last week. I am in training for 4 weeks before they actually trust me to answer phones. I feel like I am in high school again, only this time I am a good 6 or 7 years older than everyone present. I am feeling rather bitter about the whole thing simply because this is the end result of thousands of dollars on a college education- in horticulture no less. Oh well, T-Mobile has some pretty killer benefits including incredibly cheap healthcare with vision and dental included, a daycare stipend and a kickass phone plan.
In case anybody is wondering, I haven't been running in at least a month, I made cream cheese walnut cookies last night that are 200 calories apiece (thank you Martha Stewart), and have been eating an ice cream bar a day. Damn, I am on a roll...
Wow this photo thing is harder than I thought...

What A Slacker I Am

I have gotten several nudges lately about not blogging. My argument is lack of inspiration and time (this is a pretty hard case to make though when one has been unemployed). But since I do feel like I have fallen of the blog-wagon (hahaha) here are some cute pics we took lately of James our future musician. I keep trying to take pictures of him as toga boy, but they are turning out blurry. In an effort to retain his modesty in front of his mommy, he now clutches his towel around his waist after bathtime and goes toddling through the house looking like a little Roman senator.