Monday, March 30, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Ok, really, I don't think I should be allowed out in public on Mondays. Or at least not without my own personal escort. I seem to be a walking disaster most days, but more so on Monday. And the Monday after spring break... well.. wow. I got an extra last minute job today which I was thrilled about. The only problem was it was forty minutes away, started in an hour, and I accidentally left the seat warmer on in the car- hence- dead battery.

My life today felt like that book (children's books freqently come to my head at times like this) Fortunately. Fortunately, I got an extra job. Unfortunately, I killed my battery. Fortunately there just happened to be a qwest truck at the remote park I was visiting and fortunately I have jumper cables.

Unfortunately, I cannot tell my left from from my right and took the wrong exit. Unfortunately that required a major turn around in the middle of the Willamette River - yes, you heard it right. Just imagine a large spaghetti bowl type freeway system all hovering over a very wide river. Yikes.

Fortunately I thought I knew where I was going. Fortunately, I thought right. Unfortunately there was no parking to be had at the college. Zilch. Nada. Not even for ready money. Unfortunately, I was ten minutes late at this point.

Fortunately, I found what I really hoped was a free permit-free, non towing spot on the curb. Fortunately I happen to rock at parallel parking. I think I parked that car on sheer will and desperation, because damn it was a tight spot.

Unfortunately I had to lug twenty pounds of computer equipment over a block, uphill. Everything turned out all right in the end and class even let out early- Hooray!! (I still get paid the full two hours.) But wow, I am totally frazzled.

Here is how I would like my evening to go: Perhaps, fortunately James will not have any potty accidents. Perhaps he will not lose my phone and my keys while I blog instead of watch him. Perhaps he will even heat up his own dinner and put himself to bed in a few hours.

Perhaps I should go make dinner.


RBK's Realm said...

Yikes! What a day but I have been there...

Anyway, all's well that ends well!

Great to see you blogging so regularly - enjoying your writing. Don't stop now though I have reached a burnout myself. :)

Nancy said...

I loved the line about ready money.

Inger-Lis said...

I thought someone might catch that- Thank you to "The Importance of Being Earnest" for inspiring me

Nancy said...

Funny. Really, really funny. Fortunately.

(I see another Nancy. Could it be Lang? this is Vidervol)