Monday, April 14, 2008

I tried the great experiment of counting calories this weekend. I have tried this experiment in years past but usually quit after a couple of days. (Yes I do lack follow-through.) Taking a cue from my dad, this time I tried to use an excel spreadsheet. I was resolved to count calories, then do the calories from fat/protein/carbs ratio. I spent copious amounts of time yesterday figuring out exactly what I had eaten, more time looking up the calorie count and even more time trying to get all my functions on excel to work correctly. After all this work, I tried computing my info only to realize that I had not done my work correctly and my ratios were completely wrong. Needless to say I quit in disgust. I told Jay who was looking on with some amusement that this was the reason I could never be a numbers cruncher.
So calorie counting is just not going to work. I have too many other things to do like cooking healthy food and getting exercise and I can't afford to have somebody else do the meal-planning and calorie counting for me. Overall I think the biggest lesson I learned from all this was to stay away from the butter.