Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Foto Fiesta

I finally jumped on the bandwagon and yearbooked myself... or rather I made Jay jump on the bandwagon for me since he is the one who did all the work.
Me in 1976...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I have a job. I HAVE A JOB. I have a job !!!! Admittedly it's much easier to add inflection and excitement to my voice rather than to my typing, but I have a J-O-B that will pay me in actual dollars. Technically I have two jobs that add up to forty hours a week, and they both will hopefully start in the next two weeks. So while my house may be dirtier from now on, my bank account will be a lot healthier, as will my outlook on life. Depression and unemployment are ugly things and make an even worse combination and I have been coping with both for two months now.
It's been an emotional roller coaster ride for me this week. First I was absolutely frustrated out of my mind because I just couldn't seem to find anything jobwise out here in podunk Salem Oregon. Then I interviewed on Tuesday for a position as an in-home care provider for a really sweet lady in a wheelchair. It would work out perfect with my afternoon tutoring gig and be a low-stress job which is really what I need right now. Yesterday I received the call that I was hired! Oh hooray, hooray! Words cannot describe my relief at having a full-time job again. All I had to do was jump through all the Oregon Department of Disabilities hoops to become registered and hopefully start on Monday.
I went down to accomplish that today and after waiting around for a good half an hour to see a caseworker, learned that I couldn't start working until I had cleared a background check. Which could potentially take up to a month. You have got to be kidding me. The current caregiver was planning on leaving next week at which point I was to take over and I just learned it is anywhere from two weeks to a month to pass a background check. At that point, my heart just fell into my shoes. I drove home in a semi-comatose state, and fortunately arrived there in one piece. I was terrified that with this news my employers would just hire the second person on their list because they needed someone now. Sudden bad news usually triggers anxiety and/or panic attacks in me, and my reaction this time was no different.
I pulled myself together however to let my employer (the woman's daughter) know this new situation. Her reply was 'that was ok, the family had picked me to take care of her mom and they would wait.' Wow, I really liked how she said the family picked me. Not just her, or her mom, but the entire family. Ooooh they like me.
So to recap, Monday and Tuesday I was hugely upset, frustrated, mad, etc, etc. Wednesday I was absolutely elated. Then this morning (it is Thursday right?) I went for panicked and devastated (I also very nearly got killed by a driver running a red light). So what is for tomorrow? I would personally prefer calm, cool, and serene. Ha ha, yeah right. That is not in my nature.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dear Ms. Palin

Dear Ms. Palin
You have taken something of mine and made it your own. I am here to say I want it back. Don't deny it, you know what I'm talking about. Yes, that's right, you stole my look. You know, that look, the one where your hair is swept up, yet still falling across your face in a careless 'let's get this out of my way 'cause I am busy here' kind of attitude. Ok, yes a lot of women do that with their hair. But that is not all you are guilty of, because you then went out and bought square wire-rimmed glasses. And now everybody thinks you are the original. But I know the truth. You just wanted to look like me. And since it is your face that has been plastered all over the media, whenever I wear my glasses and put up my dark brown hair in a messy ponytail, I feel like a Palin wannabe. And people are noticing.
Just to set the record straight, when I first heard you were McCain's running mate, I respected you. I would never have voted for you because I don't believe there is a single issue we agree on. But I respected the fact that you were the governor of Alaska, and I didn't mind sharing a common look. Then you opened your mouth, and I started minding. Then you began speaking unscripted and I am now seriously considering going blonde or shaving my head.
I can't style my hair, Ms Palin. This messy upswept look is actually due to a complete lack of any styling ability. You on the other hand are a former beauty queen, hair spray is like your best friend. Why you can't you be a little more Clintonesque, or go for the coiffed Laura Bush look?
Just think about it,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Forget Mondays, Tuesdays are the crappiest

I am having kind of a hard day today. I think it started when the woman I interviewed with yesterday swore up and down she was going to call that night to let me know her decision. By 10:00 pm no call. I am not necessarily mad at her, things happen, I understand that. I will probably give her a call tonight. It was just such a promising position and I am thoroughly tired of being unemployed.
This morning I spent 45 minutes looking for my car keys. I am not kidding. 45 minutes no car keys. Ok, so what, its a nice day, I figured I could walk James down to daycare, save gas, get exercise, love the environment. Only the tire on his stroller was as flat as could be, and after ten minutes I realized that my air pump was not just slightly broken, but completely useless, and his other stroller was locked. in. the. car. FINE! I didn't really need to go anywhere today. I'm not afraid to stay at home with James. (Sometimes I am, but not always.) So I called his sitter and informed her no car keys, no stroller, staying home, unless said keys show up in the next half an hour. 20 minutes later, whilst I was upstairs cruising the internet for more job possibilities, James suddenly showed up in the hallway with my car keys in hand, and attempted to insert them into the electrical outlet. Don't think I hadn't asked him several times already where they were. I knew he was the last one who had them.
James went off to daycare, and I went off to the hardware store to make key copies and buy more electrical outlet plugs. I was feeling just a little frazzled when I came home and Jay called. Jay, as you could probably tell I was pissed off by the events of that morning and my overall unemployed state. I wanted to yell at someone, lucky you. I didn't yell, and I only acted a little bit immature thank you very much.
I spent some time killing fleas on the cats. Killing things can be very satisfying when one is mad. Then I went to wait by the phone because I had an appointment from Western Government College to call at 1:00 about their teacher certification program. I surfed the internet for jobs, and waited. I played around with Pandora Radio and waited. 1:10 came and went, no call. I wondered if WGU recruiters like to be fashionably ten minutes late for their phone calls. 1:20, no call. I went to my email to double check the appointment. It was for Wednesday, and it just so happens that today is Tuesday. I AM LOSIN' MY FREAKIN' MIND TODAY.
But seriously folks, could I just have a job... please?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Foto Fiesta

Oooh, what a cute little stinker up there. Do my parents reading this recognize this picture? Yes that's yours truly;) I recently received some of my baby pictures from my grandma last week and was pleasantly surprised to find out that hey James looks a little like me! And all this time I thought I had just spit out another LeVitre male two years ago. Not that there is anything wrong with that. (They are a pretty handsome bunch.) It just makes me a bit smug to know that James looks a little like me (minus my vicious temper and stubborn streak).

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Foto Fiesta

I am a shameless copycat and really liked my dad's Friday Foto Fiesta, so I have adopted it as my own tradition as well. Today's picture is actually a painting that I have as wallpaper on my computer. It is probably my favorite painting of all time. I saw it in the Smithsonian when I was in high school and fell in love instantly. It is called Flaming June by Frederic Lord Leighton. is the link for more info on the picture. By the way, if anyone is interested in Christmas ideas for me, I would be absolutely ecstatic if I received a poster of this ;)