Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Eternal Gaze

I am a fan of the strange and sometimes grotesque. In fact, it is the weird and sometimes morbidly offbeat that enchants me more than society's typical idea of beauty. It is different and refreshing to me. Here is a really interesting film short by Sam Chen on Alberto Giacometti- a man famous for his stretched-thin hollow-eyed figures. It is in two parts, if you make it through the first part, I think part two is the best of all. Love the ending, love the existential themes throughout, love the art work. Be patient, it takes a bit to download.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I still got it!!

Every once in awhile I think I like to feel that I am young and invincible. After all, I am only what.. 26? ok maybe 27. Add ten years onto that with a two year old.

Jay and I went on a date Friday night. I was looking forward to it all week, because we have both been so busy we have hardly seen each other in a month. Anyway-- date night. We have a hard time coming up with date ideas. There just isn't much to do in Salem besides dinner and a movie and that is boooooring! We tend to play our activities by ear. We cruised down to a local festival in town which was o.k. The music was great but so loud that it threatened to bring back my migraine so we left shortly thereafter. And had no idea what to do next. It was only 10:00 and we still wanted to play.

I jokingly suggested a moonlit walk on the beach, the beach being a good hours drive away. I say jokingly but really it was a gorgeous night and I haven't been to the beach since summer. Jay thought it sounded fun and a good way to ensure I stayed up all night so off we went.

Sometimes nothing is more fun than just taking a long drive with your honey, without the added benefit of a demanding toddler in the backseat. The drive up was quite lovely. Then we raided the Lincoln City Safeway for cash and chocolate and hit the beach.

It was cold but absolutely beautiful. The color of the water blended into the night sky, except for the white crests of the waves that broke onto the shore. There were hardly any city lights and few people on the beach at midnight. We beach combed in the dark with only a small flashlight to find shells. Obviously, we didn't have much success.

Then, in a complete atmospheric reversal we ran into the local casino to try our luck with the slot machines. We lost. But that is ok, because we only gambled ten bucks. It was about 1:00 when we started back. We stopped along the way to look at the stars.

I didn't go to bed until about 2:30 am. Which would be fine, except I work at 5 am on saturdays. So I had to wake up at 4 am. I was quite impressed that I managed 13 hours of hard physical labor on less than two hours of sleep. Energy drinks are quite helpful in situations like these.

I am now just waking up from a good sixteen hour marathon sleep. It was a really fun weekend, and occasionally, maybe once a year, it is fun to know I can still pull off an all nighter. It makes me feel young and alive. Or maybe young and foolish. Take your pick.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Alternate State of Mind

I don't have much to say, but I will say something anyway, because somebody around here has to blog, right? Am I right? First off, after my last post, I am pretty sure I will never receive presents from anybody again. Well I love you guys anyway.

I seem to be a work-aholic. I spent the last month being so panicked about losing hours of work that I found an extra Saturday job at the farmer's market. Then my weekday hours suddenly picked up again, and now I am working almost all day six days a week. Yet somehow in all this work, I am finding time to read. A lot. I have read something like three books this week, which when I was a teenager was nothing, but now that I have 'sponsibilities, is quite impressive to me.
This large amount of fiction I am consuming means that I seem to be walking around in a literary daze. Not sure if it is just stress, or the fact that my nose has been in a book almost constantly lately, but I am not mentally all there. I find myself missing turnoffs as I drive, and contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos whilst at work. My cynical side is also taking over. Sometimes reading depressing novels can do that to me.

I don't know how many times Jay has asked me if I am mad at him. No, Jay, I am not mad at you, just spacey and stressed out. I think we both need a vacation.

Five more weeks of school to go!