Sunday, July 13, 2008

Thank Heaven For Little Boys

James and I had a very serious talk at the breakfast table this morning. At least it was as serious as a talk with a toddler can be. Lately I have been starting to let him eat snacks at the table with the big guys. He thinks he is the bee's knees when he gets to sit in a chair and eat food at the table. This morning however he began to sweep all of his cereal onto our newly vacuumed floor. So I very nicely told him that if he wanted to eat breakfast at the table with me instead of in his highchair he had to leave his food on the table, otherwise I would put him back in his highchair. Oddly enough he was actually listening to me during all of this and when I was finished he very slowly got down, picked up all the cereal on the floor and put it back on the table. YEA!!!!! I must have done something right.
James is now at the age where he likes to imitate EVERYTHING he sees us doing. It's kind of a telling moment to see how a little child perceives you. He very expressively plays the piano and sings like he sees Daddy do, and he opens my books and stares at them and then finds kleenex and blows his nose. Anyone who has lived with me knows how accurate that impression is.


RBK's Realm said...

Children certainly imitate adults a lot and internalize more than we realize which is why example is the best way to teach them... Your little boy sounds adorable. Enjoy him every bit every minute because they grow fast and one day you see them as young men and wonder where all the years went... Look forward to more updates on this front.:)

Cyclingred said...

I can hardly wait to see the little guy. I have been trying to get the video of him playing the piano onto my computer but it isn't working.

Unknown said...

LOL! Looking at a book and blowing his nose, that's hilarious. Dad showed me at least five times the video of James playing the piano and singing, it was pretty cute.