Monday, July 28, 2008

In a few short weeks school will be starting up again for children and teachers everywhere. By the time that happens I hope to be employed with the school district in either a full time or substitute capacity. I have been thinking a lot about my career options lately and it seems that what I am best at and what I usually enjoy is teaching. So the next logical step to me would be to get hired on with the school district in some type of aide capacity while I seriously think about getting my teaching license.
This career change would be the third this year, and the fourth job I have had in a year. Not that my job right now is all that great, I am a customer service representative for TMobile. Yep, I am one of those voices on the other end whom you will end up loving or hating depending whether or not you get what you want. And no I don't take sadistic pleasure in telling people they really do owe 500$ on their telephone bill... well maybe sometimes.
The job at TMobile was really the last resort after getting laid off from the job I landed after graduating from college, the job that got us to Oregon in a somewhat podunk town with not a lot of career opportunities. So I told Jay last week that I had applied for a job with the school district. What he said was that I was somewhat flighty about my career. What I am sure he wanted to say was probably something like "Will you just try and keep a job already?"
I can agree that when it comes to careers and jobs (which are not necessarily the same thing) I do change my mind frequently. To be perfectly honest, I don't believe I have ever held a job for more than a year. I get bored, grass is greener, school schedules change, I move, whatever the reason, I go through jobs pretty fast.
Here is a sampling of some of the more interesting jobs I have held: grounds keeper (aka garbage truck driver) at Bryce Canyon National Park, caretaker for two elderly mentally handicapped gentlemen who liked to run around naked and set things on fire, cow milker (3 am, five days a week, about 200 hundred head of cattle), middle school substitute teacher, pizza deliverer, dishwasher, janitor, and preschool teacher more than once.
My goal now has been to find and keep an at least sort of enjoyable job long enough to establish some kind of tenure. I really do want to find a job that I enjoy enough to stay at longer than a year. It would be kind of fun to break my record. I think the chances are better if I could have summer vacation again.


Cyclingred said...

Changing jobs often while getting through college isn't so bad. You have had some interesting jobs though.

Remember it took me awhile to get settled into a career. I was over thirty before I landed here.

Unknown said...

Wow, I didn't you had done all those jobs. Maybe you should look into being a school librarian too:)

Rhino said...

career stability is sometimes overrated. i know what it feels like though to think i want to be at something a little longer, and find a niche. i've had 14 different jobs and i've only been working for 7 years.

i wish you luck with finding something new and exciting and fulfilling!!

RBK's Realm said...

Trying different jobs till you find your niche is not as uncommon as you may think. Today I am in a job that I truly love but it took me years to find this career track after going through a number of not so fulfilling positions in two different continents ranging from jobs in journalism, teaching, retail, and law firms till found this career track where I feel I belong. So it will happen.

Also, you may not realize it, but you are picking up different skill sets even in these interesting jobs which can all be woven in a well-written resume when that dream job comes...

Sheryl and Tom Nielsen said...

I am starting to feel the same way. I have changed my career path from Veterinarian, to Pilot, to animal control, and now I am seriously considering art as a profession. I really thought Animal Control would be a dream Job but its losing its luster incredibly fast. I hope the teaching works out!