Tuesday, March 24, 2009

James and His New Friend

James made a new friend yesterday. Unfortunately, his new friend wound up in the garbage twenty minutes later. That is because James' friend was a hard-boiled egg. I gave it to him in hopes he would eat it. James insists on peeling his own eggs- no easy feat for a two year old, and as a result usually winds up yanking the top off, leaving the bottom shell on, and trying to eat it out of its shell. (yeah, well, you try peeling it for him- it is not worth the fight, I promise you).

About five minutes into this process, he found his empty egg carton, and Ta Da! an idea was born. I turned around to watch James playing peek-a-boo with his half peeled egg in the carton. Then he started up a lively conversation with it, only half of which I understood. But I am sure Humpty-Dumpty understood it.

Then the egg became his baby. Then they played house together with a christmas tin, and drove in James' laundry basket. I don't actually let James run rampant around the house with food like this- well, ok, maybe I do- but I was distracted at first and then completely amused with his imagination.

Finally, I think they had a falling out because I walked out of the kitchen just in time to see James smash his egg flat on the table. Egg went into the garbage at that point, much to James' dismay. And thus ended a beautiful friendship, at least until I forget about this incident and give James another egg...


Cyclingred said...

That is pretty funny. I wish you had it on video.

Inger-Lis said...

I wish I did too. But I can never find my camera when I need it

Anonymous said...

Haha, that reminds me of the time I had to decorate and take care of an egg in order to prove how responsible I would be as a babysitter. It was better than the sack of flour baby in HS home ec!

Inger-Lis said...

considering his egg's fate, I don't think James would have passed that class

Unknown said...

Did we do that egg thing together Becky? I think maybe we did!